Sunday, July 10, 2016

The only kind of fur for me :-)

2 more rocking days left at
Rally to Rescue!!

Grab a hud, hop on the hog and lets roll out!!

Monday July 11th
continued - Rally To Rescue Shopping Hud!
12pm - Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young Tribute Concert (street concert)
3pm - Rally To Rescue Charity Rideout (all are welcome!)
6pm - Motorhead Tribute Concert

Tuesday July 12th
continued - Rally To Rescue Shopping Hud!
12pm - Eric Clapton Tribute Concert (street stage)
3pm - Rally To Rescue Charity Rideout (all are welcome!)
6pm - Cutest Pet Photo Contest Ends
6pm - Halestorm Tribute Concert

unkindness  - uK - Industrial Loft @ Rally to Rescue
[:: JesyDream ::] Rock'n Roll Cabinet ( Unfurnished ) 
.random.Matter.- Librarium - Hourglass [Silver]
[Con.] Skull Plant Pot
xin. husky trio (all the puppies) (wear) + RARE