Monday, November 9, 2015

Always an Angel

I know a lot of the times I shoot a bit dark, muted colors and sometimes even downright creepy :-D But I do have a softer and sillier side when the little girl come out to play dress up and pretend to be things like a princess, a fairy or an angel. FGC has brought to us the best of both worlds this round.
Silver-gold angels and the Dark side of The Moon. As always the designers have pulled out all the stops on their contributions this round and you will find the perfect something for everyone!

I know you probably do not want to hear it yet but,,,,,,Christmas is right around the corner and Gachas are one of the easier way to gift friends, or even trade at one of the many groups around.

 .::Cubic Cherry ::.  01{Aerial} angel's nest ULTRARARE
 .::Cubic Cherry ::.  11{Aerial} Rotating stars  sky .::Cubic cherry::.
 .::Cubic Cherry ::.  12{Aerial} Rotating stars  lilac .::Cubic cherry::.
 .::Cubic Cherry ::.  04{Aerial} Stars in the bubble group2 pink .::Cubic cherry::.
 .::Cubic Cherry ::.  04{Aerial} Stars in the bubble group1 pink  .::Cubic cherry::.
 Dead Dollz  Rococo - Panties - White
.AiShA. AngelIcal Top XS Silver White(C)
Astralia - Angelica wings RARE 
[DUE] Hephan
{Nerdology} Corvus Mortis Crown- White Bone Aqua Gem *Add to worn*
Zyn ~ Nouveau Angel Halo
[Cloud] Darling Angel sandal knee sock RARE #4
::UNA:: collar cadenas Silver RARE
Elysium - Eris bracelet (silver - L) - white angel
Rivendale ~*~ Cloud Tree 1 ~ Common
Rivendale ~*~ Stair 2 ~ Common
[Fuubtusu Dou] AngelBunny Tree Stump
{NRage} Caged Strix  (Silver) RARE
{NRage}  Strix 3 pose

non event related
7 Deadly s{K}ins - Queenie snow V3

Risen From the Depths

E.V.E ATLANTIS Great Wave Hat Chrome & Blue Ultra Rare @ Fantasy Gacha Carnival
*Sweet Lies* Andromeda Bra Black 3 COMMON @ Fantasy Gacha Carnival
Ghost'Ink Omega App Body ::Elemental Tattoo:: Sky @ Fantasy Gacha Carnival
+Fallen Gods Inc.+ Coal Golem, female Rare C @ Fantasy Gacha Carnival