Monday, April 4, 2016

50 Shades of Winter

As many of you already know, I am not very big on editing,
and in spirt of the fact the event is put together by Windlight Magazine
I found it only fitting to post this as a raw image.
One of my favorite things about shooting is not only creating the idea that I have visualy,
but playing with all of the various lighting and visual options that we have in world.
So although this is a bit different from my usual work, it is pushing my imagination
and I can never get enough of that.

by: Fuyuko '冬子' Amano (wintergeist)

Yet another installment from one of the many
brilliant artists showcased in this inaugural round of 

Still On My Mind

Endless Pain Tattoos - Ensiferum with Neck- Maitreya Applier  MFGC
[Glitzz] Liquid Gloss1 - Hud Omega  @ Totally Top Shelf
Le Coq D'or - Shadow side - collar (silver)   @ Totally Top Shelf
.:* LOULOU&CO *:. - Nose Chain :: CAMELIA :: Purple V.2 (L)
{JAS} Alena - Silver - Left
{Chemical Princess} Crystal Dress Fitted 
.epoch. secret stash - naughty box
Anachron - Tough Love Gacha - Studded Paddle - Black
[YumZ]Pussy Galore Hair

Pose:  Lil'Bug Boudoir Sofa @ Pose Lovers