Sunday, November 22, 2015

Come on in :-)

It is getting cold outside. Time to start putting on those sweaters and boots. 
I got this great little set from ::Just Darling:: and it was just what I needed for my day at the Elysion sim.
What an amazing and beautiful atmosphere. So many different little nooks and crannies to rest your feet or snuggle up in. I think next time I will just stay the weekend.

::Just Darling:: Emma Sweater  Gray
Dark Passions - Koffin Nails -Luminous Lylanis @ 20Twenty
-Rust Republic- [Monster party tattoo]faded
*Petit Chat* Bohemian ring-10-Flower RARE
.:Joplino:. Lucy 5

Logo Alex V2 Bloom Mesh Face
>TRUTH< Soleil w/Roots - sandlewood