So many amazing events and goodies coming out this month I do not even know where to begin. The Nightmare, The Alchemy, Curvalicious and Pumpkin Town to name just a few!!! Get ready to be hit with a little bit of everything this season. From creepy and spooky to silly and sexy. The next couple of weeks should proove to be quite interesting, or entertaining....either way its a win and will be packed with loads of fresh new goodies!!!
CODE 0711 Marie Leggings avail at Curvalicious
Dark Passions - Koffin Nails - Slink Nails - Haunted Glitter & Stripes @ The Alchemy
RudeCats - Ouija Pumps
/Wasabi Pills/ Taylor Mesh Hair - Black coffee
EarthStones Laraine Cocktail Ring - Diamond/Platinum
[Commoner] Studded Pumpkin / Natural
.HollyWeird. Indu - Brooch Dermals- 2
.:*Millicent*:. X-ray maternity
Incendia Broken Pumpkin Cart & trees